Beginning of August - School holidays, next term and glorious sunshine!
Beginning of August - School holidays, next term and glorious sunshine!
For me, this is my chance to recover from the manic activity over the last few months, reflect on the successes of the year and prepare the annual report. Since we work with schools, colleges and universities OR in Schools follow an academic year rather than a calendar year, so our results are coming through this month.
The Annual Report
August is always an odd month - we have very few school visits (if any) that happen and instead there is lots of paperwork to sort and file that's been mounting up! The annual report is a key document - this is something that is published each year which shows what we've been up to in OR in Schools, how we're getting on and how many places we've visited.
The report gets submitted to the board, who review it and have the opportunity to ask questions or provide comments and then it gets included in the main OR Society year end annual report along with the rest of the reports.
For those that are keen to know how we've got on - stay tuned! Once the report has been produced, the full report will be published on the website and of course the highlights will be in a separate blog post later this month.
Dates for September
Now whilst everyone loves a good holiday (myself included) it does mean that there are a lot of out of offices coming back to me! We try not to send lots of emails during the summer months, however sometimes it's unavoidable. We've just started sorting out dates for September so I was keen to get these dates out and about to people ASAP to allow for planning in September.
If you work in an OR type role, and are keen to promote it to others, we'd love to have you helping at any of the events below. Don't forget, we'll support you with each and every event - from providing all the resources you need, to covering reasonable travel expenses to chatting it through on the phone, we're here to make it as easy for you as possible.
University Career Fairs Volunteering Opportunities:
- Manchester University, Careers Fair, Friday 21 September
- Leicester Uni, Careers Talk, Friday 28 September
- University of Manchester, Wednesday 3 October
- University of Bristol, Careers Fair, Wednesday 10 October
- University of Surrey, Careers Fair, Wednesday 10 October
- Surrey University, Wednesday 10 October 2018
- Stemettes Event, Careers Fair, London, Wednesday 10 October 2018
- University of Kent, Careers Fair, Tuesday 16 October 2018
- Leicester University, Careers Fair, Wednesday 17 October and Thursday 18 October
- (1) Warwick University, Business Careers Fair, Thursday 18 October
- Essex University, Careers Fair, Friday 19 October
- Cambridge Careers Event, Wednesday 24 October (Evening event)
- Royal Holloway University, Careers Fair, Wednesday 24 October
- University of Reading, Careers Fair, Wednesday 24 October
- Oxford University, Careers Fair, Saturday 27 October
- York University, Careers Fair, Wednesday 31 October
- Teeside Uni, Careers Fair, Friday 2 November
- Birkbeck University ,Careers Fair, Saturday 3 November
- Leeds Uni, Careers Talk, Monday 5 November
- Exeter Uni, Careers Fair, Tuesday 6 November
- Southampton Uni, Careers Fair Tuesday 6 November
- Plymouth Uni, Careers Fair, Wednesday 7 November
- University South Wales, Careers Fair, Thursday 8 November
- (2) Warwick University, STEM Careers Fair, Tuesday 13 November
- Loughborough University, Careers Fair, 21 November (Evening event: 5pm - 8pm)
- Lancaster University, Wednesday 28 November (Afternoon event: 3pm - 6pm)
As always, any questions or comments please get in touch - we're on Twitter (@ORinSchools) and of course email (
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