Thinking Ahead - Dates for your diary
Thinking Ahead - Dates for your diary
So, despite the fact it's only just turned November, thoughts in the office have started turning to Christmas and indeed the new year. The reason for that (although I reckon it's mostly due to a staff member who will remain anonymous is very excitable around Christmas!) is because of planning. For volunteers (and people in general), to get the best from something you need to do some kind of planning.
Whether that's spending ages preparing a PowerPoint for work, or planning a babysitter so you can leave your child at home and go out for a meal, a little thinking ahead works wonders! And as the saying goes - fail to prepare, prepare to fail.
So, although it's only November, we're hoping to prepare our wonderful volunteers for the opportunities we have coming up next year, to ensure they're available and around. We've included below a list of events we're attending in the next year - and events that we would love for you to be involved in! Regardless of whether you've done hundreds of education events with us, or none, we'd love to have you involved.
There are lots of different opportunities you can get involved with - from sitting on a careers panel, to attending a careers fair, to visiting a school; we have various requests up and down the country. We'll provide you with full training, support and guidance throughout the process (as well as lots of freebies to hand out to those young people).
Sound like good fun?
The list below details where we'll be in 2018.*
- Windsor, Maths Workshop - Thursday 11 January 2018
- Manchester Met Uni, Careers Fair - Monday 15 January 2018
- Middlesex University, Careers Talk - Tuesday 16 January 2018
- West Sussex Maths Workshop - Monday 22 January 2018
- Northampton, FMSP Maths Workshop - Wednesday 24 January 2018
- Manchester University, Careers Talk - Wednesday 31 January 2018
- John Colet School (Wendover), Careers Fair - Wednesday 7 February 2018
- Coventry University, Careers Fair - Wednesday 14th February 2018
- Big Bang Hampshire, Exhibitor - Friday 23 February 2018
- Exeter Outreach Day - Wednesday 28th February 2018
- Birmingham Uni, Maths Panel - Wednesday 28th February 2018
- Northampton (at Silverstone Circuit), Exhibition - Wednesday 28th February 2018
- The Blue Coat School, Liverpool - Thursday 1st March 2018
- The Big Bang Fair, Canterbury - Friday 9th March 2018
- The Big Bang Fair, Birmingham - Wednesday 14 March until Saturday 17 March
- South Wales, Maths Workshop - Wednesday 18 April 2018
- London Sixth Form, Maths Visit - Wednesday 2 May 2018
- The Big Bang Fair, Buckinghamshire - Monday 25 June 2018
- The Big Bang Fair, Yorkshire and Humberside - Tuesday 26 June 2018
- The Big Bang Fair, London - Monday 2 July 2018 until Friday 6 July 2018
Now those of you with a keen eye (or those even reading the page at all!) will notice that two events are highlighted bold. The reason for this is they are BIG scale events! We need multiple volunteers for each day, and the events run on multiple days. If you (or a colleague), would love to help us out and these events, please get in touch - There's a free t-shirt in it for you if you help out at these events!
*As always, dates might change. Schools and universities love what we offer and often we end up adding more dates or occasionally shifting sessions to accommodate more. Please check the website for the latest info (
Interested? Bored? Hopefully not the latter ….
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