Goodbye to an old staff member, hello to a new one.


Last Friday saw the departure of Hope - a colleague who was responsible for the Pro Bono project.

We were similar in some ways; starting on the same day we were a similar age and had similar views, but we were opposite people - she was definitely a night owl (and was happy with minimum sleep) whereas I was definitely an early bird (who was only happy after plenty of sleep)!

Whilst her official role was to help with Pro Bono (which we did very well) she did far more. As a small society, we don't have a huge number of staff; and certainly don't have large teams doing one role. People all pitch into different aspects and help where they can; and it was this part that made her a valued team member.

One aspect she helped with was to re-invigorate the SIGs and regional groups, providing them with clarity and input as to the direction and format of them. Additionally, she helped with the organisation of the annual careers fair and developed very good relationships with exhibitors and organisations. She spoke at conferences and universities not just about Pro Bono but also The OR Society as a whole, and helped organise the first ever Data4Good National Conference (which is being held in Birmingham on the 14th November later this year). 

I saw next to her in the office and there was a considerable overlap in the work we were doing - volunteers were fundamental to both our roles. We both encountered the same issues, we were working towards the same goal and we both had fresh ideas about how to engage members and change things for the better. Above all, we were colleagues and friends and she was a pleasure to have in the office!

Whilst she has left the organisation (for big plans to change the world abroad) and she will be truly missed, we are fortunate to have a new member of Staff; Amy H who will be looking after the Pro Bono aspect. We welcome her and wish her all the best in her new role.


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